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Once upon a time a buddy gave me an old printer and I pulled a 12 volt motor out of it.
I decided to make a expanded open motor of it.
The other motor in the printer was turned into the Gear Gun, which, like this art piece, was also stolen from me.

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This was the first concept of the motor.

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It worked alright.

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Here is a close up of the brushes.

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Other side.

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As with everything hollow, I start with the biggest sides first.

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Then I fit the narrow part.    I solder everything with silver solder.

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Then I file everything down and polish it.

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This copper plate holds the bearing in place.

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Here is my Dino War Machine ( also stolen) checking out the electric motor.
He was not happy with it, because it needed an outside power supply.
He told me to get serious and build a better one.

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So then I re did the wood base and I used a nice piece of Cherry wood.
I also built a battery holder for the motor.

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These are the parts of the battery holder.

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There are four 1.5 volt penlight that fit into the battery holder.
The screw at the end screw in and then completes the internal circuit.

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Then when the outside switch is closed the motor starts running.

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This was the wiring on the bottom.

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Then I covered it with apiece of felt.

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Here follows some boutique shots.

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Battery side.

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The bars coming out the holder carry the current to the motor via the switch.

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Then the power bars come up from the wood and join the brush holders.

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I made a glass enclosure for the motor.

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